Institute of Conflict Management
Practical Skills Tutor Award

Aimed at the individual Tutor, the ICM Practical Skills Tutor Award is designed to provide the Practical skills tutor with the opportunity to have his/her expertise verified, recognised and certificated by the ICM.  The applicant MUST be a registered ICM Member attached to an ICM QAC and be able to demonstrate and evidence their expertise, knowledge and qualifications in Practical skills tuition.  Their ICM PSTA initial application will be subjected to scrutiny prior to them attending an ICM Practical Skills Tutor Award Assessment Panel.  The Panel is made up from ICM PSTA Assessor all of whom are all experienced and qualified Practical skills tutors.  Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a requirement for maintaining this Award.

In regard to the analysis, development, design and delivery of training:

  • They can identify individual learning aims and programmes
  • Agree learning programmes with learners
  • Develop training sessions
  • Create a climate that promotes learning
  • Enable learning through demonstration and instruction
  • Enable individual learning through coaching
  • Enable group learning
  • Monitor and review progress with learners
  • Evaluate and develop own practice

In regard to Practical Skills training

      • The tutor is familiar with the National Occupational Standards ‘Prevention & Management of Work Related Violence’; current Health & Safety Legislation; are able to describe the implication of using Practical skills in relation to The Law and the European Human Rights Act
      • The tutor can maintain and monitor a safe and healthy training environment; explain how they would select appropriate equipment and resources specific to the training programme
      • The tutor can design lesson plans with specific aims and objectives and be able to describe a process for skill selection to meet the training needs of their learners; maintain effective group dynamics; and describe a method for collecting feedback from their learners
      • The tutor can demonstrate a knowledge of anatomy & physiology in relation to the use of Practical skills and their impact on individuals; be able to demonstrate appropriate warm-up techniques specific to the group
      • The tutor can demonstrate how to correctly warm-up the group in direct relation to the activity to be undertaken and within the capabilities of the whole group
      • The tutor can describe the process for dealing with injuries and complaints
      • The tutor can demonstrate or describe a de-briefing and calming process post training and facilitate a summary briefing and question and answer session
      • The tutor can describe a process for recording competency assessment of their learners

In regard to Non-Practical Methods of the Prevention and Management of Violence:

      • The tutor can describe to their learners the National Occupational Standards ‘Prevention & Management of Work Related Violence’; current Health & Safety Legislation; The Law; and the European Human Rights Act; and other sector specific guidance
      • The tutor can facilitate a session designed to identify the factors and triggers that lead to challenging and threatening behaviour
      • The tutor can demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of how behaviour can escalates and describe the techniques for preventing escalation, calming and de-escalating situations
      • The tutor can promote positive behavioural management
      • The tutor can describe methods of effective communication and barriers to communication
      • The tutor can describe the post incident procedures including reporting; and issues regarding support for those involved in an incident

History and Context of the Practical Skills Tutor Award

A Brief history

The need for a national body to be created for those working in the area of preventing and managing challenging and violent behaviour was recognised in 1997.  The ICM was registered later that year with Companies House, but incorporation as the only permissible institute in this area would require support from the industry and a Government body.

The inaugural meeting was held in June 1999 and was attended by nearly 70 industry specialist from all sectors.  Following a letter of support from the Health & Safety Executive in 2000 the ICM was finally able to fully incorporate as The Institute of Conflict Management.

The HSE then agreed to fund the development of the National Occupational Standards on ‘Managing Work-related Violence’ (NOS MWr-V).  The Employment National Training Organisation (ENTO) led the development and assembled the technical working group, including the ICM, who provided the expertise to develop the standards.  By July 2002 the (NOS MWr-V) were ready to launch and a review led by ENTO of the NOS MWr-V has since taken place for which the ICM was once again a stakeholder.  These National Occupational Standards are now known as ‘National Occupational Standards for Preventing & Managing Work-related Violence’ (PMW-rV) and the ICM has been promoting, and using them to develop guidance and training ever since.

The ICM Foundation Award was developed in 2003 to provide trainers and others, with certification that demonstrated a knowledge and understanding of the NOS. This award has been delivered to several organisations and continues to gain recognition nationally.

Also in that year the ICM announced the launch of the ICM Quality Award Centre (ICM-QAC).  The ICM-QAC is designed to provide recognition for those organisations and individuals who could demonstrate robust and auditable systems of operation and quality improvement.  Much like any awarding body approval, it requires the ICM-QAC to meet approval criteria and maintain quality standards.

To enhance the training delivered by ICM-QACs the ICM Foundation Award was supported by the ICM (4) One-Day Awards that were developed to cover the following training aims:

1. Assessing and controlling the risk of work related violence

2. Preventing and managing challenging and violent behaviour

3. Physical skills Level 1

4. Physical skills Level 2

All these awards are accessible to ICM-QACs to deliver with certification provided by the ICM, adding value to their training programmes.

From 1999 onwards the ICM embarked on a project to register physical skills being used by its membership and other stake-holders. 

This was done using digital photography to produce an ICM Physical Skills Catalogue. This catalogue would later be used to assist in the development of the ICM Practical Skills Tutor Award.

The ICM-Practical Skills Tutor Award (ICM-PSTA) was developed over a 2-year period. The process began by assembling an ICM Practical Skills Development Group which consisted of over 20 recognised experts in the provision of practical skill(s) training. The group identified the core competencies required to train learners in managing physically challenging behaviours. The ICM-PSTA was launched in January 2008. This robust and prestigious award has received instant approval by everyone who has examined the award in detail.

The ICM-PSTA requires the practitioner to meet strict performance criteria by which they are assessed by a qualified panel.  This led quite naturally to the development of the National Minimum Standards for Physical Skills Tuition (NMS-PST).  The NMS-PST allow regulatory bodies; commissioner of training; and training practitioners to demand or demonstrate that the training meets a benchmark in good practice.

During the time since its incorporation, to date the ICM have been and continues to be represented at national and strategic working groups, as practitioner experts, involving national initiatives:

• ENTO: National Occupational Standards ‘National Occupational Standards for Preventing & Managing Work-related Violence’ original Development Group and subsequent Review Panel;

• I-WHO: Violence and aggression management training for trainers and managers in a national evaluation of training provision in health care settings;

• NICE: The short-term management of disturbed/violent behaviour in psychiatric in-patient settings and emergency departments (development group);

• CFSMS: Promoting Safer and Therapeutic Services Expert Reference Group;

• HSE: Partnership for Work Related Violence;

• Pearson's (formerly known as Edexcel)Disengagement & Physical Interventions Award Development Group & Award writer;

• APPG: All Party Parliamentary Group for Preventing Work-related Violence & Bullying;

• Security Industry Authority: SIA Working Group representation

The ICM continues to strive to meet the aims of its mission statement 

To promote good practice in the prevention and management 

of work-related violence, through education and training

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