Institute of Conflict Management
Training Standards

Institute of Conflict Management Training Standards for Quality Award Centre Approval

Training Standards

Standard 1: Pre-Training

Standard 1.1 Training needs analysis

1.1.1 The training needs analysis demonstrates an understanding of the organisation and its context.

1.1.2 Training is delivered with reference to the organisation’s policies and procedures which may be

updated following the training.

1.1.3 Expectations with respect to training environment are agreed, to include floor coverings,

furniture, space, availability of first aid equipment and qualified first aider, drinking water,

cleaning materials and personal protective equipment where necessary.

1.1.4 Expectations of levels of fitness required and physical demands of training agreed.

1.1.5 Top management demonstrate an awareness of the importance of a proactive and preventative

approach so that organisations become less reliant on reactive risk control measures.

1.1.6 Organisational roles, responsibilities and authorities are clearly established.

1.1.7 Where risk assessments identify foreseeable risks, the training needs assessment accurately and

honestly describes foreseeable and necessary workers responses.

1.1.8 The training needs assessment takes account of the particular circumstances of the service setting

and individual vulnerabilities of service users and workers.

1.1.9 When risk assessments are being reviewed, they are informed by incident and accident records,

including near misses, current risk assessments and reasonably foreseeable changes to


1.1.10 Employers have systems in place to provide adequate information, instruction, training and

supervision to promote the health and safety of workers, service users and others.

1.1.11 Employers establish transparent processes to acknowledge the hazardous nature of any

foreseeable incidents and of any restrictive interventions.

1.1.12 The best interests of any person who may need to be subjected to restraint or restriction is

promoted and balanced against the best interests of workers, other service users and others.

1.1.13 Due regard is paid to ensuring a balanced approach which promotes the safety and dignity of all

workers, service users and others.

1.1.14 Any techniques used to restrain or restrict liberty of movement are reasonable and proportionate

to the circumstances, taking into account the likelihood and impact of harm resulting both from

hazardous behaviour and any corrective actions.

1.1.15 Techniques used to restraint or restrict liberty apply the minimum force for the shortest time,

consistent with safeguarding service users, workers and others.

1.1.16 The number of course members that can safely be trained within the available space and the ratio

of trainers to course members is determined as part of the training needs assessment.

1.1.17 The ratio of trainers to course members will normally not exceed one trainer to twelve course

members for any practical training that includes restraints.

Standard 1.2 Developing the training programme

Standard 1.2 Developing the training programme

1.2.1 The programme covers both theory and practical elements which are relevant to the service


1.2.2 Blended teaching methods may include online content, in person presentations and

demonstrations, pre and post course documentation and audio-visual content.

1.2.3 Participatory teaching methods may include small group discussions, table top exercises, online

exercises and practice of physical techniques.

1.2.4 Theory elements allow for individual study, small group work, and whole group discussion,

question and answer.

1.2.5 Additional theory work may be completed before and after the course as part of an ongoing

training programme.

1.2.6 A clear rationale explains the inclusion of all specified personal safety and restraint elements in

the programme.

Standard 1.3 Risk assessments

1.3.1 Risk assessment covers hazard identification, assessment of risks and opportunities for preventing

and managing hazardous behaviour. An evidence based training needs analysis is undertaken by

a knowledgeable and competent person.

1.3.2 All physical techniques included in the programme have been risk assessed by competent

professionals or organisations. Where necessary independent medical and psychological

assessments must be included.

1.3.3 Risk assessments are regularly updated, at least once every two years.

Standard 1.4 Training is delivered within the context of an explicit commitment to a balanced approach towards the reduction of risk, restraint and restriction

Standard 1.4 Training is delivered within the context of an explicit commitment to a balanced approach

towards the reduction of risk, restraint and restriction

1.4.1 Training providers make clear to commissioning organisations that the purpose of training is to

promote a balanced approach towards reducing risk, restraint and restriction of all kinds.

1.4.2 Commissioners of training have organisational plans in place for reducing risk, restraint and

restriction in a balanced way.

1.4.3 Commissioners of training have plans for individuals in place to reduce risk, restraint and

restriction in a balanced way.

1.4.4 Plans are reviewed following any significant change or incident. In the absence of any such change

or incident they should be reviewed regularly, at least annually.

1.4.5 The message of minimum force is reiterated throughout the programme.

1.4.6 Training makes clear that decisions on whether or not to use restraint will always require

consideration of individual circumstances and is a matter of professional judgement.

1.4.7 Training makes clear that any use of restraint carries some degree of risk. Risks may be to the

person exhibiting hazardous behaviour or to others.

1.4.8 Training makes clear that risks associated with taking action need to be balanced against the risks

associated with other courses of action, including the risks of taking no action at all

1.4.9 Training makes clear that assessing risk involves using available information and personal

experience to make reasonable judgements and weighing up options.

1.4.10 Training makes clear that that assessing risk involves attempting to predict the situations in which

hazardous behaviour may occur and estimating the likelihood and impact of any harm that could


1.4.11 Training makes clear that when considering whether to use restraint workers should pay due

regard to the best interest principle, consider the best interests of the person exhibiting hazardous

behaviour and those around them and ask themselves:

1) "What would I want somebody else to do in a similar situation if that was my child or someone else

I care about."

2) Training should acknowledge that unplanned interventions require professional judgement to be

exercised in difficult situations, often requiring split-second decisions in response to unforeseen

events or incidents.

3) Training should acknowledge that there might be occasions where suitably trained workers may

not be on hand.

4) Training should acknowledge that such decisions, known as dynamic risk assessments, will include

a judgement about the capacity of the individual exhibiting hazardous behaviour at that moment

to make a safe choice.

5) Training should make clear that such an unforeseen and unplanned emergency response is

evidence of a requirement to review the training needs assessment and provide appropriate

training or implement other necessary corrective action to prevent reoccurrence.

6) Training should make clear that worker training and supervision of operational performance should

support dynamic risk assessment. Reliance on emergency responses from inadequately trained

staff does not constitute competent risk assessment and control.

Standard 1.5 Training providers ensure that all who can make a contribution are participants in the development and delivery of training

1.5.1 Training makes clear the distinction between exposure, experience, expertise and technical

competence in relation to physical skills.

1.5.2 Those involved in developing and delivering training pay due regard to the views of those who

have personal experience of being exposed to hazardous behaviour, of exhibiting hazardous

behaviour themselves and of being subjected to hazardous behaviour from others.

1.5.3 This should include the experience of being subjected to the use of physical restraint and personal

safety equipment being recommended.

1.5.4 Those involved in developing and delivering training pay due regard to the views of experts with

extensive relevant knowledge and expertise in the development and delivery of training.

1.5.5 Those involved in developing and delivering training have experience that is relevant to the

service setting.

Standard 1.6 Agreeing delivery plans

1.6.1 Training providers and commissioners agree the delivery arrangements with the commissioning

organisation as far in advance as is reasonably practicable.

Standard 1.7 Making available accessible course information

1.7.1 Important course information is made available in an accessible format to course participants in

advance, giving as much notice as is reasonably practicable.

1.7.2 Training providers make available to course members information in a variety of formats to meet

a variety of needs, for example, digitally via easily accessible websites, and in-course materials

provided to each individual which they can keep for future reference.

Standard 1.8 Compliments and complaints policy

1.8.1 Training providers make available a policy that clearly describes how questions, compliments,

concerns, and complaints will be processed and dealt with, and which sets out clear timescales

for them to be addressed.

Standard 2.1 Dynamic Risk Assessment

2.1.1 The training venue is risk assessed to ensure that it is safe for the delivery of practical training.

2.1.2 The practical training area is large enough for the intended group (ideally two square metres per

course member when engaged in physical exercise at any one time).

2.1.3 The practical training area is kept clean and clear of obstacles through dynamic risk assessment

throughout the delivery of training.

2.1.4 Suitable furniture and equipment is provided including the use of appropriate mats where


2.1.5 The training venue is risk assessed to ensure that it is safe for the delivery of theory training.

2.1.6 Where applicable, suitable audio-visual equipment is available to allow all course members to

access information.

Standard 2.2 Balancing human rights, the best interest principle and health and safety

2.2.1 Training includes an overview of the relevant legislation, regulations, and guidance that apply to

the particular service setting.

2.2.2 The training presents a balanced approach towards the promotion of individual Human Rights and

Health and Safety.

2.2.3 The training presents a balanced approach to the competing rights of different individuals and


Standard 2.3 Responding to bad practice

2.3.1 Training covers how workers should respond when they see bad practice.

2.3.2 Training covers the concepts of duty of candour, duty of care and whistleblowing.

Standard 2.4 Working cultures

2.4.1 Training covers the development of working cultures, both positive and negative.

2.4.2 Training covers how individuals can influence groups, and be influenced by them, along with how

group attitudes contribute towards good and bad practice.

Standard 2.5 Considered decision making

2.5.1 Training covers the thought processes which promote and support effective planning to reduce

unnecessary risk, restraint and restriction.

2.5.2 Training covers the thought processes involved in dynamic risk assessment and how to record

those thought processes using clear unambiguous language.

2.5.3 Training reiterates the simple message that decisions should be led by what course members

would want somebody else to do if someone they cared about was exhibiting or experiencing

potentially hazardous behaviour.

Standard 2.6 Primary proactive and preventative behaviour management and support strategies

2.6.1 Training covers a range of context specific proactive and preventative measures to maintain

equilibrium and prevent the genesis of hazardous behaviours.

2.6.2 Training covers the management of arousal levels of individuals and groups.

2.6.3 Training covers the development of organisational risk, restraint and restriction reduction plans.

2.6.4 Training covers the development of individual positive behaviour management and support plans.

2.6.5 Training covers how planning should take account of specific circumstances, objects, situations

and interactions which can cause individuals and groups to become over-excited, anxious or

hostile, increasing the likelihood of hazardous behaviours occurring.

2.6.6 Training covers the development of organisational risk, restraint and restriction reduction plans

which prevent boredom and promote an atmosphere of calm, comfort, affinity and good humour,

in order to reduce the likelihood of hazardous behaviours developing.

2.6.7 Training covers how management of personal space, body language, posture, gestures and tone

of voice can reduce the likelihood of hazardous behaviour.

2.6.8 Training covers the use of scripts and checklists to reduce the likelihood and impact of hazardous


Standard 2.7 Secondary escalation prevention strategies

2.7.1 Training covers secondary strategies (both non-restrictive and restrictive) which are intended to

manage boredom and calm over-excited and agitated behaviours.

2.7.2 Training covers secondary strategies (both non-restrictive and restrictive) which may involve

withdrawing individuals and groups from environments and situations they find challenging to

prevent the escalation of hazardous behaviours.

2.7.3 Training covers the use of scripts and checklists related to de-escalation and diversion.

Standard 2.8 Tertiary corrective actions

2.8.1 Training covers tertiary corrective actions (both non-restrictive and restrictive) such as giving and

repeating clear calm directions, allowing pauses when it is safe to do so and the use of minimal

force to prompt and redirect.

2.8.2 Training covers personal safety responses to prevent or disengage from unwanted physical

contact but do not involve physically immobilising the other person.

2.8.3 Training covers the use of tertiary corrective actions, which may include the use of personal

protection techniques, manual restraint or protective equipment.

Standard 2.9 Elevated risks

2.9.1 Training covers the factors most likely to contribute to elevated risk, paying due regard to the

individual circumstances of the service setting and individual and group vulnerabilities. This may

include medical conditions and use of substances.

2.9.2 Training is informed by current, evidence based, good practice in relation to balancing elevated

risks associated with a range of body positions (including positional asphyxia).

2.9.3 Training should include accurate and current information about the impact of standing, seated,

prone and supine body positions on lung function.

2.9.4 Training should include accurate and current information about the biomechanical effectiveness

and limitations of the techniques provided.

2.9.5 Training should include accurate and current information on the relative demands of different

techniques in relation to physical strength and body morphology.

2.9.6 Training should consider and balance the risks to both workers and service users, emphasising the

need for individuals to conduct their own personal risk assessments and seek medical advice

where necessary.

2.9.7 Course members are provided with accurate and current detailed written information about

elevated risks.

Standard 2.10 Emergency procedures

2.10.1 Training covers what to do in an emergency – medical or otherwise – paying due regard to the

specific needs of the service setting.

2.10.2 Training emphasises that organisations must not reply on unplanned emergency responses in

circumstances when the need for planned procedures is reasonably foreseeable.

Standard 2.11 Recording and reporting

2.11.1 Course members are provided with information about the meaning of the words used in local

policies, risk assessments, plans and incident reports. (For example, liberty protection safeguards,

restriction of liberty, deprivation of liberty, seclusion, withdrawal, time-out, manual restraint,

personal protection, chemical restraint, mechanical restraint and clinical holding).

Standard 2.12 Use of data to inform plans to reduce risk, restraint and restriction

2.12.1 Training covers the relevant regulatory and organisational requirements for recording and reporting the use of personal safety responses, restraints, and other restrictions.

2.12.2 Training covers the protocols for recording any injuries associated with the use of those responses and using the data to inform future medical reviews of techniques.

Standard 2.13 Post incident support, review and learning

2.13.1 Training covers the rationale for post-incident support in the immediate aftermath of an incident

and any necessary ongoing support.

2.13.2 Training explains the rationale for a more considered post incident review and learning process

after the incident so that workers and the organisation learn lessons for the future.

2.13.3 Training explains the importance of ensuring that workers are kept informed about incidents and

the outcomes of investigations that are relevant to them.

Standard 2.14 Trauma informed care and support, promoting mental fitness

2.14.1 The training covers how past experiences and trauma may impact on individual experiences of

restraint and restriction for some individuals. For example, supine restraints may be particularly

traumatic for victims of sexual abuse.

Standard 2.15 Risk, restraint, and restriction reduction theory

2.15.1 The training covers the rationale and theory that supports a balanced approach towards reducing risk, restraint, and restriction.

Standard 2.16 Safety during and after training

2.16.1 Training is delivered with an emphasis on safety and dynamic risk assessment.

2.16.2 The stop signal is demonstrated and explained before practical elements. It is made clear that

anyone may use it if they see something unsafe.

2.16.3 All course members, on both initial and refresher courses, are given their own copy of the current

version of essential safety information provided as part of the training course.

2.16.4 Certification is not given to any course member who has not competed the programme and been

provided with this information.

Standard 3.1 Competence, assessment and feedback

3.1.1  Training includes a competence-based assessment of both theory and practical elements based on clear assessment criteria.

Standard 3.2 Record keeping

3.2.1 Training providers maintain complete, accurate, and up to date records of each course they deliver.

Standard 3.3 Reporting concerns

3.3.1 Training providers have a policy that outlines the procedure for handling any concerns about the conduct of individual course participants during training sessions.

Standard 3.4 Course evaluations

3.4.1 All training is evaluated post-delivery, using an evidence-based framework.

Standard 3.5 Refresher training

3.5.1 Training providers pay due regard to the particular vulnerabilities and circumstances of course

members and service users when developing refresher training courses, to ensure that the

content is relevant and proportional.

3.5.2 Trainers are themselves receive annual refresher training.

Standard 4: Quality Assurance

Standard 4.1 Quality assurance

4.1.1 An effective quality assurance system is in place.

4.1.2 The training provider will provide a moderator for Train the Trainer courses.

Standard 4.2 Training competence

4.2.1 Trainers have the necessary qualifications, experience, and competence to offer support in the

sector in which they are delivering the training.

Standard 4.3 Professional competence

4.3.1 Trainers have the necessary qualifications, experience, and competence to offer support in the

sector in which they are delivering the training.

Standard 4.4 Delivering relevant context

4.4.1 Training providers ensure that the training is relevant with reference to the training needs


Standard 4.5 Insurance

4.5.1 All training providers, and any trainers who are employed or commissioned by them, provide

evidence of both professional indemnity and public liability insurance.

Standard 4.6 Safety in training

4.6.1 Trainers manage training sessions safely and professionally, undertake an environmental risk

assessment before any training occurs, and dynamic risk assessments throughout the training.

Standard 4.7 Continuing professional development

4.7.1 Training providers keep accurate training records.

4.7.2 Trainers provide evidence of continuing professional development.

4.7.3 Training organisations continually develop their programmes and methods, paying due regard to

relevant international standards and developing knowledge and good practice.

4.7.4 Training organisations use course feedback and reviews to improve the training programme.

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