Institute of Conflict Management Awards

The ICM has been setting standards in the prevention and management of challenging and violent behaviours since 2000. The introduction of the ICM-Quality Award Centre (ICM-QAC) in 2003 identified those individuals and organisations within the ICM membership whose role was the provision of quality training in this area.
Having provided the catalyst to the development of National Occupational Standards-Prevention & Management of Work-Related Violence, and the development of short awards based on these standards, the ICM turned its focus on to the management of physically challenging and violent behaviours.
The ICM now has a complete suits of awards available for delivery via its ICM-QAC members which covers every aspect of preventing and managing challenging and violent behaviours at work.
All ICM members involved in delivering training for the prevention and management of work related violence are encouraged to apply to access and deliver these awards.
Firstly you must apply for the status of ICM-QAC which will require you to meet the quality improvement process and other criteria set by the ICM. The successful applicant or organisation can then use this status in its advertising and promotional products. The ICM-QAC can deliver its own training products in accordance with the ICM Code of Practices without the need to engage further with the ICM.
In order to access and deliver the ICM Awards the ICM-QAC must complete an additional application/assessment process demonstrating that it is fully resourced to meet the delivery criteria of ICM Awards.
The ICM Awards Include:
- L322 ICM-DCPMT: Delivering Conflict Prevention & Management Training. The ICM Trainers Award for delivering training to others in the prevention and management of conflict and other challenging behaviours. This Level 3 award consists of 60 guided learning hours (GLH) and is recognised by Edexcel (and other Awarding Bodies) as equivalent to similar awards on the QCF.
- L323 ICM-DPST: Delivering Physical Skills Training. The ICM Level 3 Award (60GLH) for those engaged in the provision of training to others in the physical management of challenging and violent behaviours. This award has received the same equivalence by Edexcel (and other Awarding Bodies).
- L324 ICM-PSTA: Physical Skills Tutor Award. The ICM-PSTA has been developed to ensure that those delivering train the trainer courses in physical skills are of the highest possible levels of ability and expertise. To achieve this coveted Award the applicant must not only provide additional evidence of their experience and background, but must also attend an ICM-Physical Skills Tutors Panel to be assessed against additional professional criteria by their peers.
- L220 ICM Foundation Award: A two-day award (20GLH) developed around the NOS Prevention & Management of Work Related Violence.
- L221 Assessing and Controlling the Risk of Challenging and Violent Behaviour: A one-day award (10GLH) is designed for front-line staff and managers exposed to work related violence and with a risk assessment role.
- L222 Preventing and Managing Challenging and Violent Behaviour: A one-day award (10GLH) aimed at front-line staff and managers who may be required to interact with customers and service users who may be verbally challenging or threatening.
- L223 Physical Skills Level 1: A One-day award (10GLH) aimed at staff and managers that may need to employ physical skills to manage physically threatening behaviour (no holding or restraint).
- L224 Physical Skills Level 2: A one-day award (10GLH) aimed at staff and managers that may need to guide, hold or restrain a person for their own or others safety.
- L225 Physical Interventions for the Private Security Industry Level 2: A one-day award (10GLH) for door supervisors who may need to intervene in physically challenging situations.
ICM-Customised Awards
Once an individual or organisation has successfully achieved ICM-Quality Award Centre status the approved centre can Register Certificated ICM Trainers/Tutors with the ICM.
There are 3 level of Certification:
- L322 ICM Certificate in Delivering Conflict Prevention & Management Training (DCPMT)
- L323 ICM Certificate in Delivering Practical Skills Training (DPST)
- L324 ICM Practical Skills Tutor Award
QAC Customised Awards
Any ICM-QAC with the necessary qualified trainer/s can register its own bespoke courses for the prevention and management of conflict and other challenging behaviours. This allows the ICM-QAC to design courses that meet both national standards and the local requirements of the client organisation, its own policies, working practices, and staff guidelines.
ICM-QAC Customised Awards must submitted using the ICM Award format for approval by the ICM Award Approval Panel. Once approved, an ICM-QAC can register courses and learners for certification via the ICM.
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